Technical support is also available in our Discord. WARNING: This is a difficult start. All rights reserved. Switched my BATTLETECH install from the Extended mod to BATTLETECH Advanced 3062. Much appreciated! Once youve downloaded Modtek above, just download the Performance Fix, unpack it to your Mods folder and youre good to go. BattleTech Advanced lives up to its name and then some. Their new weakness is their lower mass, meaning that a running tackle from a much heavier mech will do absolutely terrifying amounts of collision damage. All of the things that make BTA3062 an amazing mod! You can use all the new mechs an vehicles, but all the flashpoint missions are limited to one lance as they were originally. At what point should I make the mech change? If youre a newbie to BattleTech or are coming back to the game after a couple years, you could do a lot worse than just reinstalling and taking a stab at the game with all its DLC and patches. I'm also worried about engine replacement, if I need to keep certain models in stock as repairs need done. - You wished you'd start with different mechs, but don't want to mess with core files. Sosorry to necro this. BattleTech Advanced 3062 (BTA) is a full overhaul for the game to enhance the tactical game experience with new systems, to minorly modify the strategic game experience, and to vastly deepen and detail the amount of mechs and gear players can encounter and use in the game. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. Its not really a mod scene without a mods manager, and theres one here for anyone daring to get prolific with their modifications and user content. **BTA 3062 is a full-spectrum total overhaul of Harebrained Schemes' 2018 game, BattleTech. Edit your savefile with the save editor tool as needed. Improved AI that actually can pose a challenge! Never underestimate tanks. Starting bid: US $8.00 [ 0 bids] [ 0 bids . The mechdef files are in the \mech folder. Some mods may require you to download this separately, while some may come with these files pre-installed anyway. PLEASE SEE FULL DESCRIPTION FOR EXPLAINATTION.BTA3062 is a full size overhaul of the game to advance the timeline and technology level of BattleTech to the beginning of the FedCom Civil War. Sprinting no longer disables weapons, allowing you to take potshots while charging into battle. . If you wanted to command a true mercenary army of mechs, tanks, aircraft and infantry in a galaxys worth of lucrative contracts? Endorsements. 2. I didn't see any other posts with this sort of specific info, and perhaps I'm just being dense and hit two bad systems. While most smaller mods dont require them, and there are modular components to make individual DLCs not required for some of the major mods, the three add-ons each add notable features that Id consider fundamental to BattleTech as it stands today. BattleTech wasnt the most optimized of games when it launched, and BTA further increases its load on hardware, especially on urban maps. That alone should be plenty of reason to pick it up and play it. So now its Battletech street fighter edition.. yeah ok melee. I'm tempted to change that and see what happens. Instead, sensor locks (via unlocked pilot skills) are required to pin them down. Click on "Scan" button from the "Scan Installation" options on the main screen and proceed to wait until it finishes the process. For whatever reason, they decided to lock you in with the same starting mech and pilots, doesn't matter what backgrounds you pick, no option for anything else. 3. Value certain skills more highly? This one requires the CAB, which you will need to install separately. This Battletech Mod introduces the full Inner Sphere star map, a huge variety of new Mechs, weapon systems and equipment for a true Battletech. Skip Intro - For some reason the game runs the intro animation every time you play. Valve Corporation. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. I tried using the filters, but it didn't seem like there was an option on the Nav map to locate planets that sell Mechs. There is also a modest reddit community dedicated to this topic. PLEASE SEE FULL DESCRIPTION FOR EXPLAINATTION.BTA3062 is a full size overhaul of the game to advance the timeline and technology level of BattleTech to the beginning of the FedCom Civil War. Dozens of new weapon systems including but not limited to: working LB-X autocannons with multiple fire modes! Less choices that actually did something, would have been more ideal than this many, which don't do anything. What are your approaches to customizing mechs with the mech engineer feature? Doesnt do anything by itself, but you should follow the instructions to install it before anything else. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Bloodydoves (BD) is the main developer of BTA3062. Almost every fundamental rule of the game has been rewritten to offer more tactical nuance, and the AI overhauled to let it pose a threat even on these more complex battlegrounds. Starting out in 3062, you wont hit a damn thing by shooting, one or two good melee hits, and they're down. In the "starting mech" screen and just go from there or is there a save file I need to make an adjustment on? Comedy option: Give yourself a free catapult, then shoot down anybody claiming it's op with "But I can't put as many missiles into it as the Centurion". Hit the mech-lab, equip one of your front-line mechs with hand-holds and BAs will be able to mount it, riding it into battle. Check out our beginner's guide for tips, hints and tricks to get you through the early game. Movement affects accuracy more on both ends of the scale. This does exactly what it says on the tin it offers up to 25 different settings with which to tweak the difficulty of your game. Start BTA and select New Career; Select under "Starting Planet and Mechs". In the lore there is an event called the 'FedCom' Civil War that happens in 3062, which is the central focus of this mod. My pick for best weapon in 3062. You each have my sincerest thanks for your hard work and your generosity.Morphyum: RandomCampaignStart, MeleeMoverDenadan: CustomComponents, DynamicShops, Custom SalvageKMISSION: CustomAmmoCategoriesJustin Kase: cFixes, JKPilots, JK Variants, Give them Kell, LogoReplacement (he didn't make the mod, but he provided the picture)CptMoore: MechEngineerMpstark: NavComp, Timeline, PilotHealthPopup, SkipIntroFrostRaptor: LowVis (still coming as of now but credit given ahead of time), Spawn Protection, CBT BehaviorsAMechwarrior: Better AIjo: MechResizer, CharlesBCargo_Vroom: Better Base Defense, Better Escorts, Three Way Battles Fixed, VIP AdvancedRealityMachina: Less Head Injuries, Quiet Dariusmad234269: Mighty Charging JuggernautGlucose: One Point Armor StepCyttorak001: All 3025 Mercsm22spencer: BT Perf Fixgnivler: Panic SystemTheOriginalNoblewolf: Some new portraits in CommanderPortraitLoaderSpecial Thanks goes out to LadyAlekto and the Roguetech team (some of whom are listed above but they're all great) for their generosity with jsons and the occasional problem solving assistance. How to make your own custom starter: 1. #8 This is a ModTek mod and will require the latest version of ModTek to run. The product of a wasted youth, wasted prime and getting into wasted middle age, Dominic Tarason is a freelance writer, occasional indie PR guy and professional techno-hermit seen in many strange corners of the internet and seldom in reality. There are some minor adjustments to the strategy layer, with the lions share of the changes looking at enhancing tactical battles. Doing that along with the Heavy Metal mini campaign makes for a good career run. In fact many of the most popular mods including the ones listed below involve setting changes rather than adding new mechanics. 2.1K views 1 year ago Welcome back, today I'm talking about how to look at my starting mechs in a new career in BattleTech Advanced 3062 and how I like to modify them for maximum. Do you find certain combat ranges work better or worse? Everything has changed, starting with movement. Now you can sprint and shoot! This reddit thread offers a good breakdown as to the key differences. The mod advances the timeline and technology level of Battletech to the year 3062, the beginning of the Federated Commonwealth Civil War. Its time to go large. Free shipping for many products! Its not supposed to be easy is the tagline and those looking to check this one out should be very aware as to what they are getting themselves in for. Some of my frustrations include: Encountering ECM mechs by the 4th mission when you are too poor to buy counter ECM. Change line 9 to give it a unique name (this is the name in the menu in-game). Nothing game-breaking, but it can hurt immersion a little. Thanks to this, Light mechs are no longer deathtraps, as the evasion bonuses they gain from running fast arent magically drained by incoming fire. Why do light mechs fade into uselessness? In most cases, this is: C:\Users\user_name\MyDocuments\MyGames\BattleTech\mods. A full list of all the vehicles and tanks in BTA3062. Open BattleTech_Data\StreamingAssets\data\debug\Settings.Json. It also includes extensive gameplay enhancements and aims to be a comprehensive upgrade to the base game experience. BTA is produced by myself, bloodydoves, and a dedicated team of modders who work tirelessly to ensure the mod is fun, fair, and entertaining for all players. Its a lot, and if you were just commanding a single lance of four mechs, itd already be a complex and involved mod. 5. Anyone have a link to that event mod to change the ancestral mech? . It even has its own launcher designed to keep the mod up to date. Also, if I change it to the Firestarter at the very beginning would that impact what mech is used in the tutorial missions? Or you can edit the file to change your 'Mech and your starting lance. Older versions of BTA will likely continue to work fine but we cannot help you fix problems if you are out of date. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Watching hovercraft roll up my backside was quite a surprise! The other major issue is that much like a mech putting on a laser light show, this mod cant keep it up long-term without exploding. It makes sense, since the TT has all the ratings, now so does this. Focus on kicks, and focus on one side at a time. Speaking ofgiant robots, BattleTech is also one of our favourite mech games, but there are plenty more to check out. Gonna take a bit to get used to caring about all the actual tabletop rules again. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views-- Version. BattleTech Advanced 3062. Dont worry about the countdown on the Career map. Click on the "Save" button from the "Load/Save" options on the main screen and overwrite file. Download here Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: #BattleTech #Mech Locate the code line: "disableLoggingOnLoad": true, 4. beneath the above line add the following: "testToolsEnabled": true, - Ensure both qoutation marks and the comma are correctly copied. But you're doing so much more than that: Where BTA 3062 stands out the most is in its scale. BattleTech Advanced 3062, free and safe download. For a list of factory world inventories check Factory Worlds. Its good to have friends in high places. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Heres how it works. Thank you sir. First mission I tried to go on I was hiding in a forest, got set on fire, and had the mech's ammo bins explode due to heat checks while trying to walk out of the fire. So, you want some BattleTech mods? Its a work-in-progress still, as the developer hasnt quite been able to parse all of the information thats in a save, but at the moment you can alter things like company funds, inventory reputation even change what mechs you have in your mech bays. Expect a little chaos and youll be fine. Youre a mercenary. already workstheres a mod in nexus that triggers an event that allows you to choose a starting ancestral mech. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. And they have to be repackaged every patch which requries the modder to update their mod and you to use the special program to reinstall it again, for every mod. Do not have less than 1 or more than 6 entries that add the same type of unit (i.e. It also includes extensive gameplay enhancements and aims to be a comphrensive upgrade to the base game experience. Conversely, parking a unit on a cliff-top makes it an easy target, but able to hit targets from miles away. BattleTechs load times and general optimization were never the greatest, and patches and DLC didnt make things much better. It starts with the events of the 4th Succession and the War of 3039 (if you know what that is) and has content that can see a player right through to the far, far future of 3130, with plenty of lore events covered through mechs, gear and tech. A full list of all of the Weapons available in BTA3062 with detailed technical information. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. This mod aims to turn the game more into a roguelike, with a difficulty to match. You can add your own lists in the BTA_itemCollection_Mechs folder, do not use spaces in their name. My current system and one I jumped to for testing both had IS Battle Armor. RogueTech above, for example, uses its own launcher. Theres also plenty of utility and quality of life mods that can be used to enhancethe experience and iron out some of the fiddly edges. This mod has unique installation instructions, and doesnt use the Mods folder introduced as of Version 1.8. For the purpose of modding, youll probably want the Mercenary Collection version of BattleTech, available (and frequently discounted to around the $25 / 20 range) on Steam, GOG (opens in new tab) and lots of other smaller storefronts. Still, I consider none of these to be dealbreakers. Will planets that sell Mechs also tend to sell a variety of Engine types too? Battle Armor are like angry fleas with lasers. Would be good for current and future players to have access to other thoughts on the mod. Where you buy the game is of no concern, as all mods are hosted externally. Pilot skills in general have seen an overhaul too, offering more options and multiple skill choices, making character builds as distinct as your hardware. Now I've got a few C-Bills in my pocket, and I'd like to buy some new Mechs and I'm looking for a replacement engine for one of my Mechs. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. These little four-person infantry squads can do a shocking amount of damage up close, but cant run far. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You can now choose which order weapons are fired in, and make granular tweaks to fire modes and ammo types. Leave a comment on the mod page. BattleTech Advanced 3062. Every entry will randomize you one mech from the list. Multi-shot lasers! Setup for this mod is surprisingly simple, given how complex the end product is. Infantry in a galaxys worth of lucrative contracts Total overhaul of Harebrained '... 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