They accepted you right away. Delta Green: Need to Know (Quickstart Rules) Delta Green: Handler's Guide. players decision or the Handlers interpretation of the rules, let it slide. That means you roll 2D10 (two ten-sided dice) ta Green. This scenario doesnt from 1967 to 1970, and an infrequent Friendly require particular skills, though some are more useful during the late Nineties. Permission granted to copy, print, or otherwise reproduce pages 13, 14, 2031, and 48 for personal use. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. AGE AND D.O.B. Fairfield Project (Fan-made but extensive wiki) Hundreds of Pre-Generated Characters. The control officer gives the Agents a cursory dossier on Baughman (see HANDOUT A, page 48) and a key to Baughmans apartment. If the Agents destroy Marlene after she attacks them, each gains 1D8 SAN instead of losing SAN. This is only the beginning. A Medicine or Surgery roll, whichever is protections Armor rating by that much forappropriate, restores 1D4 HP once a week. For your simulations, we give you scenarios, tradecraft (how to play an agent) and Keeper lore. . known as Delta Green is and The Delta Green Partnership, which has licensed its use in this volume. Name Generator (People . Over the course of a long investigation you were exposed to terrible things, unnatural things. The tens die comes up 3 and the ones die Delta Green uses polyhedral dice common to comes up 0: 30. tabletop role-playing games: four-sided, six-sided, eight-sided, ten-sided, twelve-sided, and twenty-sided. They are one to five players. Tragically but unsurprisingly, the spell failed official Delta Green program find themselves unex- to return her in the condition he wanted. 7. If you check all three boxes for a threat, yourAgent becomes adapted to that threat. Success has Study the Unnatural: Reduce a Bond by 1D4. While the roll defends against all attackers, the offen- sive action affects only a single target. You see Cornwell scream and raiseright now, so you dont need to roll. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If the escape roll succeeds, your Agent is in about three metersclose enough to duck behind no longer pinnedand the escape roll defends it.) ATTACKING OR FIGHTING BACK: Opposes each Fight Back: Roll Melee Weapons or Unarmed hand-to-hand attack that turn. If the Agents try to block the opening and leave just enough HUMINT 80% can tell shes in a high state of space to a fuel line, that may call a Strength by Mar- alert, not quite as defeated as she seems. No direct linking please. Written by Shane Ivey based on rules by Dennis Detwiller, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze, 2016. If poured into the tank and ignit- for all these years unable to die, that should be ed, it will eventually destroy the Marlene-thing. Either way its innocuous, just a time and a place. If they go ahead, the Other between her speech and her facial expressions panics, leaps out of the open hatch with impossible and mannerisms. The 19. Its about Lovecraftiancosmic terror. ARMOR AND GEAREQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. Adapting to Helplessness: Permanently lose 1D6 POW. Delta Green: Need to Know is the quick-start rulebook and Handlers screen for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game. Marlene fights for only one or two turns, just long enough to hurt one or two Agents. COPYRIGHT NOTICEalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Open Game License v. 1.0, 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.Use, the Open Game Content. DMG is always focusing on the future by making sure our practices are well-versed and working to reduce our carbon footprint on this planet. Deeper terrors can be found in Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game and its sourcebooks, available from Arc Dream Publishing. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. the source of stress goes away. This cannot protect Combat to oppose an attack. Profession determines or bad at in very broad terms: Strength (STR), Con-your Agents skills, role in an operation, and some- stitution (CON), Dexterity (DEX), Intelligence (INT),times the resources your Agent can bring to bear by Power (POW), and Charisma (CHA). All rights reserved worldwide. 46// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Last Things Last // Conclusion or cabin can reveal his work with Delta Green, the group will be satisfied.As per their orders from Delta Green, the investiga-tors are to remove any evidence of Clyde Baughmans If an Agent comes back badly hurt or sufferinginvolvement with the organization. The dangers are lethal. 7. Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook Gold Ennie Award winner for Best Free Game, 2016 WELCOME TO THE APOCALYPSE Born of the U.S. government's 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green spent four decades opposing the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory. SEX 6. WEAPONS SKILL % BASE RANGE DAMAGE ARMOR PIERCING LETHALITY % KILL RADIUS AMMO (a) Unarmed 40% 1D41 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 17. An astrophysicist scarred by exposure to unnatural forces. It is not difficult to reach, though Down the hall are a linen closet (of no interest) the last few miles are off the main road and are dan- and a small bathroom. !inside a blocky shape. Please review our privacy policy for details. Wait: Act after someone elses action this turn. It holds a queen-sized bed and a dresser on top of which rest photographs of Clyde and The key from Baughmans apartment fits in the his late wife Marlene, high school graduation pictures lock. It cost you a large amount of SAN and left you shaken and scarred. You may use any authorizedteams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, en- version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Gamevironments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities Content originally distributed under any version of this License.or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trade-mark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this Li-by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes cense with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.the Open Game Content; (f) Trademark means the logos, names,mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify 11. All rights reserved. Does your Agent Agents gain SAN by seeking therapy between opera-abandon the loved one in favor of relationships with tions (which can raise SAN no higher than the Agentsless importance and meaning? Success: +1D6 SAN. If youcould figure it out. Fumble: 1 SAN. experience (probably from a force like the U.S. Army Rangers), now working as a security contractor.Special Agent Cornwell Bonus skills: Dodge (twice), First Aid, Foreign Lan- guage (Arabic), Foreign Language (Pashto), ForeignAn FBI agent whos expert at reading and manip- Language (Urdu), Persuade, Stealth. Afterward they asked you to help them again. All can be A retired special operator with extensive combatcustomized. You need to learn the rules, and be willing to make a judgment call in order to keep things moving. If your Agent loses 1 or more SAN due toViolence or Helplessness but doesnt go insane, markthe appropriate check-box. the SAN loss to 6.It stinks of mold. The BreakingPoint is the exact point of SAN at which your Agent The skills are defined in detail in the Delta Greenhas been worn down enough by trauma to develop a core rulebook and the Agents Handbook. You conspire to cover it all up so no one else must see what you've seenor learn the terrible truths you've discovered. The disorder cannot be controlled until character and its time to make up a new one. Like blood and sewage. off her screams instantly. 7. Loathsomeness. Subtract 1 from one other (non-Delta Green) Bond, if your Agent has any left.Regaining Willpower HomeFulfilling a personal motivation in a way that theHandler finds compelling restores 1 WP. Is it stifling hot from the summer heat, or shakily cold from the winter snow?Is it crowded with pallets and machinery and crates, or is it an empty cavern? of something called The Scheel Formula. A The audio is of the congregants of an unknown manila folder with that title is empty. Its created an undying monster that spoke with his wifes so restricted that their day-to-day supervisors arent voice. Open Game Content: Game mechanics on pages 6, 1118, and 3339 are Open Gaming Content under the terms of the Open Game License Version 1.0a, Section 1(d), found on page 2 of this book. proximity to Baughmans apartment. There is no computer. Delta Green Character Sheet (PDF, Fillable) Patreon for Dennis Detwiller. A Delta Green operation, "Last Things Last," ready for the Handler (the game moderator) to introduce your team to Delta Green tonight. | Forbidden Panel. 10 The Character Sheet. 11 Blank Character Sheet. 13 Creating an Agent. 16 Sample Characters. 19Game System. 32 Combat.. 34 Damage and Death 35 Sanity . 36 Insanity.. 37 Preserving Sanity 38 Willpower. 39 Bonding With Delta Green 39 Home . 39Last Things Last.. 40// Welcome to Delta Green //// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Welcome to Delta Green //Delta Green is a role-playing game about The Operationcosmic terror and deadly conspiracy. WOUNDS AND AILMENTSINJURIES Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? except as listed and excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property. 7. Athletics, Swim vs. Everyone who survives is suppressed. 4. Scan this QR code to download the app now. A couple of the agents in that case (perhaps fellow Agents now) talked to you afterward. RPG by Fantasy Games Unlimited, AGE - Adventure Game Engine by Green Ronin, Brave New World by Alderac Entertainment Group, Demon the Fallen RPG by White Wolf Publishing, Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing, Mage The Ascension by White Wolf Publishing, Star Fleet Battles & Federation Commander, Your Source for New, Used, Collectible and Out of Print RPG's, FREE Media Mail Shipping on Domestic U.S. Orders Over $80. Each Bond has a score that begins equal to yourAgents Charisma stat. no surprise. AUTHORIZING OFFICER Please indicate why this agent was recruited and why the agent agreed to be recruited. You think hes breath- Then it turns toward you. From time to time they ask you to help them uncover and stop unnatural incursions and save others from exposure to them. Im doing this for my kids!town, in a bad part of the city. church engaged in a pseudo-Christian service involving snake-handling. The cabin itself is one story state: a broken towel rack, a cracked shower door, a high, with a bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, few fragments of a broken ceramic toothbrush-holder a few closets, and a kitchen. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. EMPLOYER 4. The intellectual property. Now, it is a standalone RPG based in the Modern Era. Written by Shane Ivey based on rules by Dennis Detwiller, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze, 2016. ARMOR AND GEAREQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. Its like she exploded. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are con- Delta Green: Agents Handbook, 2016, Dennis Detwiller,tributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent Christopher Gunning, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze.that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have Delta Green: Need to Know, 2016, Shane Ivey and Bretsufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. A couple of years ago you spent extensive time undercover investigating a dangerous militia group. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 11 Motivation: Finishing the next Ph.D. Base Range is the distance at which your Agent can use it without a penalty that reduces your Agents skill. Thanks to the hard work of producer Aaron Vanek and narrator Alexander Wells, an audiobook edition of Need to Know is available at Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. You fight to keep cosmic evil from claiming human lives and sanity. A chase should require three successes to win onlyIf the situation is calm and your Agent has time to if its exceptionally long and drawn-out. This eight-page reference document adds resources to orient new Agents of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game: typical professions, tables to generate agent motivations, tables to generate the horrifying incursion that brought a new agent in, tradecraft tips, a summary of personal pursuits in home scenes, and a home scene worksheet. The Agent loses that many points from a single effect depends on the kind of protection and the kindstat of the Handlers choice, permanently, to a mini- of attack.mum score of 3. The experience increased your Occult skill and gave you a little knowledge of the Unnatural, the inhuman supernatural truths of the universe. She just falls apart. There also persist faint traces of constructed of wood with a faux log-cabin exterior. When a Bonds score falls, that What Skill Ratings Representrelationship suffers. Delta Green: Need to Know is written by Shane Ivey and Bret Kramer. .357 magnum revolver with three speed-loaders. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 10 50% Spouse 10 Parents 10 Constitution (CON) 11 55% Ex-spouse 10 Fellow survivor of a shared trauma 10 Dexterity (DEX) 14 70% Nimble fingers Intelligence (INT) 15 75% Focused PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 12 60% Charisma (CHA) 10 50% 9. huddled weakly in the shallow water, reaching a handWhile it could not convince Clyde that his wife had feebly up. You lose control. Actively Buying This Item. Green Box Generator. (Playing with more is a challenge. PERSONAL DETAILS AND NOTES 18. These scoresdont need many details, but each should have a name replace the base ratings.and specify the relationship: Ex-husband, Tayloror Special Agent Waite, frequent FBI partner. Each Anthropologist or HistorianBond starts with a score equal to your Agents CHA.If your Agents CHA goes down, each Bond drops the Anthropology 50% or Archaeology 50%same amount. One attack and damage Defense Rolls roll usually represents a series of blows or two Dodging and hand-to-hand combat (using either Me- or three shots with a gun. This book provides everything you need to play. papers here and systematically examine them. The stresses faced POW5) and by overcoming unnatural threats (whichby Delta Green agents often wreck the families and can raise SAN as high as 99 minus the Agents Un-friendships that give them strength. Each typically lasts a Unarmed Combat and Melee Weapons attacksfew seconds, but a given turn might represent a split on a pinned target are at +20%. An Agent who has already taken target to drop a weapon or object. Casting Animate Dead on thetrove's bloated corpse. NATIONALITY FBI U.S. 5. In order to Dodge or fight back, your Agent must Escape: Get out of being pinned. SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED20. Using sedatives: Liquor or sleeping pills give Fumble: 1D4 from the Bond and 1 SAN. No one takes notice of a small group of reasonably cautious Agents entering the building or Baughmans apartment. In hand-to-hand lee Weapons or Unarmed Combat) are tests that can combat, attacking also includes self-defense; protect your Agent by opposing attack rolls. If your Agent refuses to hide or go prone,victims Hit Points. Delta Green: Need to Know By: Arc Dream Publishing, Shane Ivey, Dennis Detwiller, Greg Stolze, Bret Kramer Narrated by: Alexander Wells Length: 1 hr and 50 mins 4.6 (22 ratings) Try for $0.00 Pick 1 title (2 titles for Prime members) from our collection of bestsellers and new releases. It lasts until the Handler says the Agent Ligyrophobia snaps out of it; usually thats a few minutes after the Totemic compulsion source of the SAN loss goes away. Termination: This License will terminate automatically ifadded to or subtracted from this License except as described by the You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breachLicense itself. pipes lead to the septic tank. Lucky you. Then the next-highestDEX, then the next, and so on until all have acted. If the therapist believes you, he or time your Agent gains a disorder. An anthropology professor and amateur photographer with deep experience in the occult. But once you hit "PLAY," there's no turning back. Download the quick-start rulebook and the character sheets from it, free: The full line of Delta Green RPG rulebooks and operations is available here. // Need to Know //Who knows the end? SeeADAPTING TO SANITY LOSS on page 38 for details. MultiplyGreen core rulebook and the Agents Handbook. 2022 The Dragon's Trove. Welcome to the Opera. // Personal Details and Notes Dont overlook the intangibles that make an Agent memorable. They are defined in the Delta Green core whelming shocks; indefinite insanity from accumulat- rulebook and the Agents Handbook, but many are ed stresses; and permanent insanity when your Agent self-explanatory. I have Anthropology at AMBER: Can I Dodge?70% and Occult at 80%. HANDLER: Youre insane, remember? From time to time they ask for your help in their mission to stop THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION unnatural incursions and save others from being exposed. The interior of Baughmans small apartment is Spartan and grim. AGENT SIGNATUREDD 315UNITED STATES TOP SECRET//ORCON//SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-DELTA GREEN 112382 FORM AGENT DOCUMENTATION SHEET// Delta Green: Need to Know // // What Is an Agent? gruesomely killed Here are sample SAN losses. Willpower Points months or years to learn and decades to master. The critical failure counts as two failures.Handler decides how much of the skill or stat youneedsee WHAT SKILL RATINGS REPRESENT on page 12. Maybe you want to opposewhether you succeed, as well as what happens next. Delta Green is a game about fear. SKU. STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. Theyre all Clyde Baughman has provided one option: the strange. Craft is the mastery of some difficult trade such as electronics, carpentry, or plumbing.Bonds HUMINT is human intelligence, the study andA Bond represents the most important human re- deciphering of behavior and motivations.lationships in your Agents life. AGE AND D.O.B. This is likely in a crisis or emergencywhen events spiral out of control. We have organizations, NPCs, races, gods and items throughout time and space, and fan fiction too. Just roll percentile dice. It doesnt (powdered sugar), now crumbling and dry. ThatsPoints (SAN) indicate a connection with humanity your Agents percent chance of using the skill in a crisis.and reality as most people perceive it. Thats the percent chance that your Agent can use the stat successfully inEmployer a crisis.Which agency or company does your Agent work for? Sometimes you add or subtract a number from the roll. SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED Despite years of psych training, the research and clinical work left you cold. Pelgrane Press. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content Youdress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, themat- must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distrib-ic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, uting are Open Game Content.depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graph-ic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names 9. Code NAME if APPLICABLE ) 2 and a place last NAME, FIRST NAME ( and ALIAS CODE! Company does your Agent loses 1 or more SAN due toViolence or Helplessness but go... 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