So, the best thing (maybe it's only a dream) is a mechanism that open both ends and holes with a single lever, and only the ends with another lever. If you don't mind me asking, may I please have your full name so that i can use this information in an essay I'm writing? To optimize the space and to use only three 1 m pipes, we will cut each pipe as follow: 1st pipe: 31.69 cm + 29.91 cm + 22.41 cm + 15.84 cm (low C + C#/Db + F#/Gb + high C, about 2 mm left) 2nd pipe: 28.23 cm + 26.65 cm + 25.15 cm + 19.96 cm (D + D#/Eb + E + G#/Ab, almost nothing left) 3rd pipe: 23.74 cm + 21.15 cm + 18.84 cm + 17.78 cm + 16.79 cm (F + G + A +A#/Bb + B, less than 2 cm left) As you can see, I wrote also the note corresponding to each section. If you don't know how to use a tube-cutter and you cannot figure out by yourself feel free to ask. Making a Pan Flute a Labor Intensive Process
For another project (a tin whistle) I've started to sand them by hand with a medium grit sandpaper. (Remember cutting a bit long is safer than cutting too short.) I'm here for this! A short straw produces a high note. Copyright 2023 Buggy and Buddy. A few words concerning the proper degree of arch or curvature of the pipes are in order here. In my experience, I have found that a curve that is congruent and consistent with that of a circle whose radius is 12 to 13 inches (30 to 33 cm.) A fun musical instrument craft and science activity all in one! We made our pan pipes to simply explore how the different lengths of each straw affect the sound you can create with it. Research the history behind pan flutes. It's an easy trash to treasure craft idea for kids that will. Since the notes are usually called by name, not by frequency, here comes the second formula, that allows you to get the frequency for a note given how many half-tones there are between the note itself and the central A, that is defined at 440 Hz. Copyright @ by David Osborn. Musical craft ideas can be a great learning activity for kids. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; In order to have the right acoustical proportions and response, the narrowest part of a pipes bore needs to be its upper rim, with every part of the bore below it being at least that width, if not slightly wider but never narrower. If the middle or lower parts of a pipes bore should be narrower than the bore diameter at its top end, the pipes tone will sound false or glassy, and there will be instability of pitch and/or tone quality. And the octave-and-a-fifth produced by overblowing a pipe will fall flat of the true fifth. Although most species of bamboo produce pipes whose bores are narrowest at their top end or perfectly cylindrical, some species of bamboo, most notoriously Black Bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra) will often be narrower at their bottom ends in their natural state. If this should be the case, the bore needs to be widened at the pipes bottom end with a rat tailed file, and the bore delicately engineered to produce a perfectly cylindrical camber or one that is slightly wider at the bottom end. Doing this straightly and precisely is easier said than done, and takes a lot of painstaking precision. It is a good idea to precision measure the pipe bores at their top and bottom ends with calipers., Step Seven: Slatting and Fitting the Pipes
This is how we made our straw pan flutes, although you don't have to make them exactly as we did. This way I could tune them by adjusting the amount of plasticine in each tube.I found this way very practical because plasticine does not let the air pass trough and assumes the shape you desire, so it's very easy to use to close and tune the tubes of a pan flute. 5. Is there any tips you can give us?Thanks,Julian, 4 years ago Step 2: Experimenting With Tunes and Tubes. Place the double-sided tape onto the other black strip of cardstock and place it on top of your straws, lining it up with the first piece of cardstock. In my case the first C is a C4 and the last C is a C5. For example, a closed tube that produce an A4 (440 Hz) is 18.84 cm long. Im going to suspend them to trees and have wind blow through or into them, creating a haunting sound. Here is the meaning of various symbols: - L is the length of the tube - v is the speed of sound - f is the frequency Fine. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "buggyandbuddy-20"; Two tubes of equal length, but one closed at one end and the other completely open, produce the same note within two adjacent octaves. Cut the Bamboo to Size Cut the bamboo into tubes of different sizes based on the dimensions already indicated. Best of all, they're part of our 10-minute ESL/EFL craft for kids, which means that they're super cheap, super easy, and super fun to make. (Try PVC pipes or cardboard tubes.). We placed them on the tape in this order to better space them out equally, but it might be easier for younger kids to just put them on the tape from longest to shortest and not really worry about spacing. We can calculate the distance of the hole center from the open end using the same formula I've shown in previous step (see first image). As you blow across the straw, the air in the straw vibrates. You can even give your song a name. If doing the 8 straw method, youll obviously need longer strips of cardboard and tape described in the steps below. Place a 7 inch strip of double-sided tape onto the inside of one piece of cardstock strips. If you like the finiture of your tubes you can skip this step. Mark with a pencil, then cut the straws to different lengths. Write the note on each one to easily found them and to avoid swapping pipes. Also on a side-note, I found an online free tuner for flutes and similar woodwinds, also works great for fine-tuning panpipes ;) Link is:, Seems I ran into a snag of some sort when calculating the pipe lengths, I'll work the formula step-by-step for the pipe above the A @ 440, hopefully you can spot my screw-up. Can you build a pan flute with other materials, making it easier to use or hold? amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Take the 8-tubes and the 2-tubes pan flutes and lye the latter on the first (see first image), lowering the accidentals by 1-2 cm. A "virtual" pan flute made using those length and laying all tubes on a table is shown in the first pic. ), I keep getting very small results, like .15 for C4, and I think i'm missing something but I can't tell what. amzn_assoc_linkid = "f509cefcf70eb555d1cc88fa3970b334"; La = 10 cm Other Flutes | Bio | Links | Contact, QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK WELCOME! Here is the process that will bring us to an almost perfectly tuned pan pipes. No math, no strange formulas Now we need to find a precise relation between tube length and note pitch. I have two questions. My idea for this item is that it slowly breaks down over time. A rotary tool (Dremel) with a cutting wheel and various sanding and grinding bits. Some is a bit larger and some is a bit smaller but 5/8" inside diameter seems to work best. My son (just turned 6) has been very keen on making homemade books recently. 3. First we find the frequencies of all notes we choose. Step 1: Materials/Setup Here are the things you'll need to make your pan flute: Approx. 13 drinking straws (You might not really need all 13 straws. Does the width of the straws affect the sound they make? Science: Whats the physics behind making sound from a straw in the pan flute? This is how I. The disposition of tubes, in my opinion, is not so good, because of my lack of memory.
The frame or the boot of the Pan Flute must be made from special materials that have both the requisite flexibility to be molded to the shape of the instruments arch or curve, as well as enough strength to provide sufficient structural reinforcement. The main material to be used is wood; traditionally, Lemn de Tei, which is Linden wood or Basswood, is the wood that is used for the frame. Fortunately, Basswood is available, in the requisite 1/16 or 1/8 inch thickness, at hobby stores that sell wood for model airplanes. I have also found that 3 to 4 laminations or layers of paper thin plywood, also used for making model airplanes, also works well, and may be structurally stronger than Basswood. Another great material to use is sheets of fiberglass glued on with epoxy, which provides an extremely strong and durable first layer of reinforcement for the instrument. The end pieces for the frame are usually made from pieces of split bamboo that are of the right size and inner diameter to fit around the ends of the bottom and top pipes. And the wood is glued onto the instrument either with masking tape if the wood is more flexible, or with clamps. Layers of paper thin model airplane plywood are fully flexible for easy bending, but Basswood strips may need some steaming or moistening with hot water to soften them up., Prior to the actual affixing of the frame to the bottom of the instrument, there are a couple of preparatory sub-steps that need to be done. The first is to sculpt the bottoms of the pipes into a smooth, aesthetically pleasing curve with a half round rasp. Because bamboo tends to splinter easily, it is recommended that the outer edges of the sloping bottom rims of the pipes first be rounded off with a rasp as a safeguard against this happening before this sculpting can begin in earnest. Secondly, if there has been marked or significant warping of the curve or arch of the pipes since their initial assembly, remedial measures can be taken to correct this, and bring the curve or arch back closer to the original ideal of the Pan Flute Mold. If the arch of the pipes has warped wide or decreased in its curvature, the pipes can be trussed with a thick nylon cord and thick strips of cardboard or folded heavy paper can be wedged into the end, around the lowest pipe, until the arch is tightened sufficiently. If the arch of the pipes has warped tight or increased in its curvature beyond the ideal, the pipes can be laid upon a table or flat surface and a stone of about 5 6 pounds (2 3 kg.) Now we have the basis to determine the tubes length. Step two Step Two Use your penknife to cut a sharp notch 1 inch from the open end of the bamboo. The external diameter of those pipes is 2 cm, maybe too wide (and bigger than the one I've realized). Pan Flute tuning is a rather tricky process, and one that is not that well done by a beginner. This is especially true of the high notes, especially those that are above the d of the middle octave or register of a standard Alto Pan Flute. Beginning players generally find that the pitch of these notes is unstable, and easily sags, because they have not developed sufficient embouchure strength and support. And so, Pan Flute tuning is best done by a seasoned or advanced player. Using an electronic tuner is recommended, but it must not be relied upon exclusively use your ear as well. In the lower octave of an Alto Pan Flute, the pitch is inherently stable. In the middle register, the pitch gets somewhat less stable, tending to rise with a more forceful air stream and embouchure, and to fall with a less forceful one. And these tendencies are even stronger in the top register. In the middle and top registers, what we are looking for is to have the pitch center around the neutral or in tune pitch on the electronic tuner. It may take a while before you get the tuning of your new Pan Flute exactly right, and where it needs to be be patient, and listen. The tuner (or a good trained ear) can be useful to test each tube once cut and cleaned. But, if you want to create a proper scale, youd want to create your pan pipe with 8 straws using the following measurements: Do = 17.5 cm Native American Style Flute (Love Flute): The West Wind. This is my favourite method, but this time I cannot follow this way because my printer is incapable of such dimensions. The Shop features a special 15-pipe Starting Package that includes our 15-pipe pan flute, a 100 page instruction book with videos, and a CD of some of Brad's music for you to enjoy. Do = 8.5 cm. Make 2-3 turn, then knot the end and trim the exceeding yarn. amzn_assoc_title = "More Fun Stuff"; Baking bamboo produces a very pleasant aroma, somewhat similar to the sweet smell of baking cookies. I know one Pan Flute maker who deep fries his bamboo in oil, like making French fries, but in my opinion the bamboo is somewhat brittle if you use this process. All in all, baking bamboo in an oven is the way to go, and is directly analogous to the kiln drying of wood. Be forewarned that the bore diameters of the pipes usually shrink by just a little bit by about a quarter of a millimeter or so, as the residual moisture leaves the bamboo. Occasionally, a piece of bamboo will crack during baking, but this is actually quite rare; sometimes, small cracks or fissures may appear in a bamboo pipe after baking, but in my experience, these small cracks or fissures do not widen or go anywhere after baking, the bamboo is pretty much stabilized., Step Four: Pipe Selection
Anybody could help? Then just trim with a knife to fine tune if needed.
Im trying out a new project for the winter. Teaching students about . Step Two: Rough Cutting the Pipes
Hi again, i've re read some of the comments below and apparently the speed of sound needs to be in centimetres per second! Take one tube. is the best one to use. Nevertheless, different instruments, all of them of fine quality, will display a certain degree of variation in the relative tightness or openness of their curve or arch, within limits. The arch or curvature of the pipes is mainly an ergonomic consideration, to facilitate the moving of the instrument back and forth as the player moves around rapidly between its low and high ends. In other words, the arch or curvature of the pipes facilitates this up/down movement of the player by utilizing the natural rotation of his or her shoulders and arms around the central pivot of the head, neck and spinal column. Different players are of different sizes, some with wider shoulders and others with narrower ones, so there is no absolute uniformity of curvature among different quality instruments. If the arch or curvature of the pipes is too tight or great for you, you will notice a certain muscular constriction or tightness under the shoulder blades when you are at the top and/or bottom ends of the instrument; conversely, a curve or arch that is too wide will induce undue stooping forward and downwards of the head and neck as you play. You must feel that the instrument comes to you, and not that you have to go to it. I highly recommend that you first test how the arch or curvature of the pipes feels to you before you adjust it with the remedial measures I have recommended, and certainly before you begin framing the pipes. Step-by-Step Instructions Step one Step One Saw off a length of bamboo about 6 to 8 inches long. Hi! Take the 8-tubes and the 2-tubes pan flutes and lye the latter on the first (see first image), lowering the accidentals by 1-2 cm. apart, and take a piece of thin, bendable plastic that is an inch or two longer than this and curve it between these two rows of nails. However, in my experience, the curve produced by this simple process is not uniform throughout its length; the best method is to cut another two wooden boards, one at the top and the other at the bottom of the mold, with precisely the right, uniform curve desired, then glue the plastic to these two boards at the top and bottom ends of the mold. What is the ideal curve for a Pan Flute Mold? In my experience, the ideal curve is that of a circle with a radius of 12 to 13 inches (30 33 cm. SUBSCRIBE - the KSU iTeach Makerbus on Twitter KSU iTeach on Twitter out other projects on MakerTube! Luckily, some physician (well, actually a lot of physician) already studied this matter creating and developing a branch of physics called acoustic. Fitting the slats of adjoining pipes and readying them for assembly will test the precision woodworking skills of even the finest craftsman, and how well and precisely the slats are crafted reflects on the caliber of craftsmanship that went into making the instrument. Are you mainly looking to throw something together in a hurry to get an instrument you can finally play, or are you looking to craft a fine, precision instrument? The choice is yours. Ideally, if the requisite care is taken, you should be able to hold two adjoining pipes together at their slats and not be able to see even a sliver of light shining through when you hold them up to the light. One of the most helpful tools that I have found in fitting pipe slats quickly and precisely is carbon paper. Rub the interfacing slats of two adjoining pipes together with a piece of carbon paper held between them, and the high areas will be marked in black; these are precisely the areas that you need to file or scrape down to flatten and fit the slats. A few rounds of fitting the adjoining slats with carbon paper should suffice to get a pretty good fit.
Make a pan flute with both ends of the straws open and one pan flute where the straws all have one sealed end. Yes, you will have to learn a lot of things such as what vibrato is, staccato, legatos, arpeggios, maneuvering the pan flute, embouchures, tunings, scales, registers, etcetera. I also like making things. When you find the right place, take a piece of yarn and wrap it around the ends of the first group of five of tubes (C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E). Take the thing you want to use to close the end and close the end. Kids always love making homemade musical instruments. That way, they can find out which material makes a better sound. I wonder what physics stand by this bending technique. Press down firmly. Yet, as with any instrument (or anything else for that matter) it pays to build strong foundations right from the beginning. Next place the middle length straw right in the center. Enjoy the next hour of learning what it takes to put one of these together. Step One: Buying and Selecting the Bamboo
Did you create some tunes or songs you like and want to play again?
Obviously open ends will go on the same plane. As a math student I love Mathematica, so I will use it. Stylistically and aesthetically, there are several possible variations in the designing of Pan Flute frames. Although Basswood is the traditional material for making Pan Flute frames, a flexible tree branch, of Willow or some other soft, pliable wood, can also be used for the front and back strips for those who want a very natural feel and look. Or, the front and back strips can be eliminated altogether, just reinforcing the instrument with successive laminations of thin Basswood, hardwood veneer or thin plywood on the instruments bottom surface. If the right pieces of bamboo or sculpted wood should be unavailable for the end pieces, then molding them out of epoxy putty and rasping or sanding them off smooth later is also a possibility. The styling variations are virtually endless, and the aesthetic possibilities of using exotic woods and other materials can also provide great artistic and creative possibilities. Just remember that structural considerations of strength and reinforcement should be satisfied before you start to consider aesthetics. This straw pan flute is so easy to make that kids can make it all on their own! From our 10 pipe pentatonic FunPipes to the 22 Pipe Grand Tenor and deluxe special orders. With a Dremel tool you can speed up the process, unless you prefer doing it by hand, but be aware that you will change the sandpaper bit many, many times. 1 pair of scissors 1 ruler 1 roll of tape Actually, an open tube requires a correction factor that depends on frequency and inner diameter, but the difference should be barely noticeable. Mi = 13.5 cm Bamboo is quite hard as far as woods go. However, it has one primary weakness, which is a tendency to split or crack easily along the length of its grain. And so, bamboo dealers will not and cannot guarantee that the bamboo poles they sell you will never crack. That is mainly because the poles you get at a bamboo dealer are not perfectly cured or dried and its the drying process, particularly if it happens unevenly throughout the pole, that creates the torque and tensions that lead to cracking. Moister, more humid climates are generally the most friendly to bamboo, because they allow the natural drying process to proceed at a more gradual, even pace, whereas dry climates are notoriously hard on bamboo, provoking cracking. Wind is another pesky environmental factor that can provoke cracking in bamboo. To prevent cracking in bamboo, I have found that thoroughly drying the bamboo by baking it slowly in an oven at carefully controlled temperatures is the best way to go. This process is similar to the kiln drying of fine hardwoods. After the bamboo is well baked, it virtually never cracks.
By bending the pipes, you are exploiting the slightly elastic nature of the material (be careful not to stretch too much and cause the resultant tension to shatter a brittle pipe! You can read more on our, STEAM Activity for Kid: Chromatography Art Project . Zamfirs law of slatting states that the maximum slatting depth between adjacent pipes can never be deeper than that which would produce a minimum distance separating adjacent pipe bores that is narrower than the average wall thickness of either of the adjoining pipes. For example, if two adjoining pipes have an average wall thickness of 3.0 mm., then the narrowest distance between the bores of these two adjacent pipes cannot be shorter than 3.0 mm. Any narrower than this, says Zamfir, and you run the risk of having the sound of one pipe leak or bleed over into the next. Slatting and fitting the pipes can also be tricky around the middle of an instruments total span, or the top of its curve or arch; extra care needs to be taken here to make sure that the slats are cut and fitted correctly. Fanning is something that results when the slats of multiple consecutive pipes are not cut to a uniform depth or width from the tops to the bottoms of the pipes. Most typically, the pipes are fanned outwards towards the bottom; the remedy is to cut the slats deeper at their bottom ends and refit the adjoining pipes. But what if we want a note higher than a C6? I know you've already provided the end result, but I need to know how to get there because this is for a school project. 4. Materials we need: - about 3 m of metal or plastic pipe (if you use metal try to avoid copper) - duct tape of any kind - strings/shoelaces/yarn/whatever you want to keep tubes together - 13 pieces of whatever you can use to close one and of a pipe (coins, metal or plastic scrap, wood, cardboard remember that it will cover the end from outside, and cannot be inserted like a cork on a bottle because this will shorten the air column and change the note produced). A key feature of the authentic Romanian style Pan Flute is that the pipes are slatted or flattened on their lateral sides and fastened together by gluing; this provides the player with a smooth, contiguous surface along which his or her lips can effortlessly glide from pipe to pipe. However, this step, this process of slatting and fitting the pipes to prepare them for gluing or assembly is also the most laborious and time consuming of the twelve steps involved in making a Pan Flute. For this reason, someone who wants to make a quick and dirty version of a Pan Flute will usually find an easier, quicker alternative to slatting, fitting and gluing, which is usually rafting the pipes together by tying them to splints. Although such instruments are perfectly playable, they are not the authentic Pan Flute, and do not have the potential for efficient playing or virtuosity that the true Pan Flute has. Slatting refers to the initial process of cutting the lateral slats in the pipes, whereas fitting refers to the process of getting the slats you have cut down to their requisite depths, and of precision fitting them to their neighboring pipes.
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